
As an Association affiliated with Netball Victoria, the Surf Coast Netball Association is governed by a series of policies and documents that help to create rules and guidelines to address all of our activities. Each of these policies may be updated and amended from time to time, and we will endeavour to have the most up-to-date version available to Association members at all times.
For all SCNA members, including team managers, team officials, coaches, umpires, players and parents/guardians, the most important document to be read and understood is the Surf Coast Netball Association Bylaws, which outline the operating procedures that determine the conduct of the Association and its members. We ask that you familiarise yourself with this very important document, and please make contact with the Association if you have any questions or require further clarification. Our Bylaws are reviewed annually in November or December.
Codes of Conduct
Complaints Regulations
Child Safety Policies and Documents